A knot. A wall that is no longer serving its’ purpose.
A falling from above and in between.
A desire to hope and for longing,
A whisper which indeed tells us apart.
The anchor that brings us above us,
What pulls us from where we don’t reach.
The strength that we feel when hope blinks,
Our heart and some light we fell within.
It’s what we believe to be truth about,
That we share with us and towards;
What brings one together in some motion,
And moves us to deeper and to deepest.
Is where we look.
It’s what makes us smile,.
It’s what makes us keep pushing
To the bliss and beyond that.
Is the relief,
The closure, the moment to say ‘Amin’;
The freedom to be what has accomplished,
And to say ‘God, forgive! That’s all it is.’