Sorry, again
Being creative in these moments of time when this falls apart into a whole which does not exists. I may wonder though what is going on, if everything’s ok or not, or if you need help. I wonder as I see no answer from you in any way. It is true that maybe I exaggerate. I seek something that is not even meant to happen. It’s an education that I deal with now. The fact that now I do have to say and have the last word in the world. It is an education made in the US, from someone who knew that over-communication is what made things work.
‘What shall I say to you?’, you may wonder. ’You said what you had to say and I acknowledged it.’ The lack of reply… The lack of urgency that exists in me, the lack of feelings towards missing something. The lack of meaning. You feel empty, you are no one to someone whom I said to let’s give it a go. Too soon, maybe not mentioned to. Not on the same page probably. You can say that.
I don’t have the patience. It is about the result — the peace that I need back, but do I get more peace indeed or is it just a feeling that if so, things will be well? To be seen, with regrets and the whole package I guess.
A story was told in some shape and forms. It was just a short time, too of a short time. I said, ok, let’s do this and it didn’t work. I wished I didn’t do so. I wished I just stayed put, with nothing more to say and to ask.
I guess that’s it now. With some regrets, and yet again.